There are some additional options in the "global settings" section of yumeControl.ini which I will explain here:
-> lptPortNumber: the number of the LPT port where the T6963C-based display is attached. It may be -1, 1, 2 or 3. Per default its set to -1 which means that there is no display attached. This makes yumeControl run faster than it will with a display attached - e.g. the logo-animation (in the main menu) is faster than in reality.
-> comPortNumber: this value corresponds to the COM port the PIC is connected to. Set it to -1 to deactivate the PIC<->PC interface.
-> nicID: is the ID of the network interface card (NIC) given by windows. It can be looked up under the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTrans, where there may be listed your modem also - the key with the 'IPAddress' value NOT being '' is your NIC. The number of the key is the ID - which is the value needed for nicID.
If you have no network card installed then set it to the default value of -1.
-> mainTimerInterval: yumeControl's main loop is executed when the main timer fires. The time between each shot is defined here - so if you raise this value yumeControl will respond more slowly but the CPU load will drop. For a good compromise leave this value at the default value of 50ms.
-> cursorBlinkInterval: this value determines the number of msecs between showing and hiding the cursor (you can see the cursor when you select an entry in the options menu and press enter to change its value).
-> pauseSignBlinkInterval: the number of msecs between showing and hiding the pause sign (in the track info display) is determined by this value.
-> scrollerCharInterval: determines at which periodes the scrollers scroll one char (you can see the scrollers in the track info display when a track name exceeds 32 chars).
-> entriesInChartList: sets the length of the chart list. Per default its set to 100 which sets up a 'top 100' list. However, the chart list is not implemented yet so this value has no real use.
-> pathToWinamp: points to the path where winamp resides.
-> explodeOnExit: enables or disables the "falling pixels"-effect when closing yumeControl. Although it is nice I can't stand it when debugging ;-)
-> lastPlaylist: this points to the last loaded playlist when yume was shut down
-> displayWaitStates: if the image that is shown on the display is corrupted you can increase this value, it sets the number of NOPs that yumeControl will execute after each command sent to the display controller.
-> clickSimulationDelay: yumeControl can only set some settings by simulating mouse clicks (this is what you see when changing the chronotron and AVC settings). If yumeControl is faster than windows can react on these clicks (means that the chronotron/AVC windows remain open when you set an option of them) you can increase the value of clickSimulationDelay.
The value is given in msecs.
-> delayOnTrackEnd: when the assistance plugin notifies yumeControl of the end of the current played track yumeControl can't start playing a new one immediately because winamp would think that it is still playing the old one (which is near its end) and thus would stop playing. To get around this yumeControl has to wait a certain amount of time - which is set by delayOnTrackEnd. Note: On my PII-400 it's ~50ms.
-> playlistActive: if this switch is set to 1 yumeControl will use its internal playlist for the track info display, clear winamps playlist and steers winamps playback. If it is set to 0 it will let you control winamp as you like and do nothing else than getting the track infos from winamp. The reason why I implemented this option is that I wanted to check the changes I made to yumeControl while listening to my mp3s, but having yC clear winamp's playlist everytime I start it wasn't that nice. You may want to use this switch when exploring yumeControl but want to listen to mp3s without yC disturbing you.
-> typematicDelay: as on every PC, this value sets the time after which a key is repeated when being pressed continously. It is given in msecs.
-> typematicRate: determines how often a pressed key will be repeated. Opposed to the PC (where it is given in repititions/second) it is given in msecs corresponding to the period between each repitition. So the default rate of 6 repititions equals a period of 1/6 second - which is 166msecs.
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